
Using herbarium specimens to test for effects of climate change on the time of flowering. 2024. Kull, Thea; Langerpaur, Kätlin; Kull, Tiiu. Bauhinia – Zeitschrift der Basler Botanischen Gesellschaft, 29, 123−124. DOI: 10.12685/bauhinia.1365

Botanical heritage of Karl Ernst von Baer and his herbarium from the 19th century. 2024. Kull, Thea; Tammiksaar, Erki. Botany Letters, 1−10. DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2024.2303758

Movement of avian predators points to biodiversity hotspots in agricultural landscape. 2024. Mirski, Paweł; Grosberg, Jaan; Kull, Thea; Mellov, Pelle; Tõnisalu, Grete; Väli, Vivika; Väli, Ülo. Royal Society Open Science, 11 (1), 231543. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.231543

Multiscale pollen-based reconstructions of anthropogenic land-cover change in Karula Upland, south Estonia. 2024. Väli, Vivika; Vassiljev, Jüri; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Blaus, Ansis; Kama, Pikne; Kihno, Kersti; Põldmaa, Maret; Saarse, Leili; Tomson, Pille; Poska, Anneli. Journal of Archaeological Science, 163, 105940. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2024.105940