E-library harbors research papers which availability on paper has become complicated.
- Flora of the Baltic Countries 1 (1993) Editors: L.Laasimer, V.Kuusk, L.Tabaka, A.Lekavicius. Tartu, 362 pp. (pdf; 23 MB)
Flora of the Baltic Countries 2 (1996) Editors: V.Kuusk, L.Tabaka, R.Jankeviciene.Tartu, 372 pp. (pdf; 20 MB) - Flora of the Baltic Countries 3 (2003) Editors: V.Kuusk, L.Tabaka, R.Jankeviciene.Tartu, 407pp. (pdf; 25 MB)
- Eesti NSV floora I (1960) Flora of Estonian SSR I Comp. by A.Vaga, K.Eichwald; 2nd edition. Tallinn, 266 pp. PTERIDOPHYTA, GYMNOSPERMAE; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 21MB)
- Eesti NSV floora II (1962) Flora of Estonian SSR II Comp. by K.Eichwald, S.Talts, A.Vaga, E.Varep; Ed. by K.Eichwald, 2nd.edition. Tallinn, 532 pp. RANALES, ROSALES; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 40MB)
- Eesti NSV floora III (1959) Flora of Estonian SSR III Comp. by K.Eichwald, M.Kask, S.Talts, A.Vaga, E.Varep; Ed. by A.Vaga; Tallinn, 536 pp. LEGUMONOSALES, MALVALES, GERANIALES, EUPHORBIALES, MYRTALES, HALORRHAGIDALES, ANACARDIALES, RHAMNALES, CELASTRALES; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 40MB)
- Eesti NSV floora IV (1969) Flora of Estonian SSR IV Comp. by K.Eichwald, J.Eilart, A.Kalda, M.Kask, A.Paivel, S.Talts, L.Viljasoo; Ed. by M.Kask, Tallinn, 766 pp. ARALIALES, RUBIALES, ARISTOLOCHIALES, FAGALES, MYRICALES, JUGLANDALES, LIGUSTRIALES, GENTIANALES,TUBIFLORAE; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 58MB)
- Eesti NSV floora V (1973) Flora of Estonian SSR V Comp. by J.Eilart, M.Kask, V.Kuusk, L.Laasimer, E.Lellep, V.Puusepp, S.Talts, L.Viljasoo; Ed by S.Talts, Tallinn, 614 pp. TUBIFLORAE, PLANTAGINALE, HIPPURIDALES, CALLITRICHIALES, PAPAVERALES, PARIETALES, CAMPANULALES; (in Estonian with summaries in in English and Russian; pdf; 49MB)
- Eesti NSV floora VI (1978) Flora of Estonian SSR VI Comp. by K.Eichwald, M.Kask, V.Kuusk, L.Laasimer, E.Lellep, E.Peikel, H.Rebassoo, A.Remmel, A.Süvalepp, S.Talts, H.Võsamäe, A.Üksip; Ed.by L.Laasimer. Tallinn, 614 pp. CAMPANULALES; (in Estonian with summaries in English and Russian; pdf; 44MB)
- Eesti NSV floora VII (1961) Flora of Estonian SSR VII Comp. by A.Üksip; Ed by. A.Vaga. Tallinn, 481 pp. (in Estonian, with summaries in Russian and German; pdf; 34MB )
- Eesti NSV floora VIII (1971) Flora of Estonian SSR VIII Comp. by K.Eichwald, K.Kalamees, M.Kask, H.Krall, V.Kuusk, V.Masing, A.Paivel, V.Puusepp, A.Remmel, S.Talts, Ü.Tamm, L.Viljasoo; Ed. by H.Rebassoo, Tallinn, 678 pp. GUTTIFERALES, ERICALES, SARRACENIALES, SANTANALES, CENTOSPERMAE, URTICALES, POLYGONALES, PLUMBAGINALES, PRIMULALES, SALICALES; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 49MB)
- Eesti NSV floora IX (1984) Flora of Estonian SSR IX Comp. by K.Eichwald, E.Kukk, V.Kuusk, E.Lellep, Aime Mäemets, H.Rebassoo, R.Sander, S.Talts, T.Trei, L.Viljasoo; Ed. by V.Kuusk, Tallinn, 448pp. ALISMATALES (HELOBIAE), LILIALES (LILIIFLORAE), ORCHIDALES (MICROSPERMAE); (in Estonian with summaries in English and Russian; pdf; 34MB)
- Eesti NSV floora X (1966) Flora of Estonian SSR X Comp. by K.Eichwald; Ed. by L.Laasimer, Tallinn, 299 pp. CYPERALES; (in Estonian with summary in Russian; pdf; 25MB)
- Eesti NSV floora XI (1979) Flora of Estonian SSR XI Comp. by L.Viljasoo, V.Kuusk, S.Talts; Ed. by M.Kask, Tallinn, 567pp. (in Estonian with summaries in English and Russian; pdf; 39MB)
- Eesti floora registrid (1998) Index of Estonian flora Compiled and edited by V.Kuusk, T.Kukk, Tartu, 144pp. (pdf; 9MB)
- H.Timm (2020) KESK ÕITSVAID LILLA 98 pages. (pdf; 39,9MB)
- J. Vilbaste (1965) On the Homoptera-Cicadinea of Altai (in Russian; pdf; 10,7MB)
- J. Vilbaste (1968) On the Homoptera-Cicadinea of Region of Primorsky (in Russian; pdf, 14MB)
- J. Vilbaste (1980) On the Homoptera-Cicadinea of Republic of Tuva (in Russian; pdf, 15MB)
- J. Vilbaste (1980) On the Homoptera-Cicadinea of Kamchatka. Ann.Zool., 35, 367-418. (pdf: 3,3MB)
- J. Viidalepp (1988) Geometrid Moths of mountainous Central Asia (in Russian; pdf, 25MB; )
- A. Raitviir(1938-2006) Bibliography
- H. A. Dietrich (1856) Blicke in die Cryptogamenwelt der Ostseeprovinzen. Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth- und Kurlands, 1(4), 261-414. (pdf;58MB)
- H. A. Dietrich (1859) Blicke in die Cryptogamenwelt der Ostseeprovinzen. Zweite Abtheilung Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Esth- und Kurlands, 487-538. (pdf;58MB)
- K. Kalamees (2004) Palearctic Lyophyllaceae (Tricholomatales) in Northern and Eastern Europe and Asia. Scripta Mycologica 18. Printed version available (contact: kadri.partel@emu.ee)
- K. Kalamees Ed. (2000) Mycobiota of Estonia (in Estonian with summary in English; pdf; 58MB)
- E. Parmasto (1928 -2012) Bibliogragraphy
- A. Raitviir (1970) Synopsis of the Hyaloscyphaceae. Scripta Mycol. 1. 115 pp. (Summary in Russian.)
- H. Timm (2015) Identification guide to freshwater macroinvertebrates of Estonia, Tartu 424pp. (Identifaction keys in Estonian and English, pdf; 278MB)